The Untold.

To your father : Thank you so much for being proud of me. You’re the best dad.
To your mother : Mummy, leave it, I’ll keep my things on my own. You take rest.
To your sister : Talk to me. I need someone to talk to. I need a soul to listen to me. I need you.
To your friend : Can we please not fight. Can we please meet up. I love you.
Why. Why do you hesitate to say what your heart says.
Why do you have to give a second thought to it.
Why can’t you just call your father in his office and tell him. Papa. Thank you for guiding me always. You’ve made me what I am today.
Why can’t you sit with your mother and tell her how beautiful she is. How caring and loving she is.
Why can’t you pull your sister and tell her. Listen. I have to talk to you. And you gotta listen to me. Sit with me. And keep your mouth shut. You are my only rescue.
Why can’t you tell your friend. Face to face. How important she is in your life. And how nothing’s the same without her.
Why can’t you speak.
Let your words reveal your emotions.
Not a Facebook post on birthdays or a long message describing how the person has changed your life.
Speak up. Speak for yourself.
For your heart, soul and love.
Life will get much simpler.
There will be no complications in relationships, friendships and family relations.
Keeping emotions within, might not cause harm.
But will definitely be regretted later.
No relation is a waste of time.
No friendship is a nuisance.
Learn to speak.
You’ll lose none.
Learn to love.
You’ll treasure all.
Learn to listen.
You’ll cherish all.
Capture the moment. Irritate your sister.
Call your father 10 times a day. Laugh with your mother. Talk to your friends. Hold hands. Love them. Take care of them. Wipe their tears.
These people.
You’ll never get them back after losing them once.
They are once in a lifetime people.
Dont leave anything untold.
Else. On you deathbed. You’ll realise.
I wish I told my sister about it.
I wish I could hug my mom.
I wish I could talk to my father once.
I wish I didn’t let my friend go.
I wish. The forevers meant Forever.

Life is after all Beautiful.

3 thoughts on “The Untold.”

  1. This is one of the most beautiful things we have ever read! You’re immensely talented and have a great understanding of human nature. Keep doing what you’re doing, we love it and it is a great gift.

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